Saturday, September 6, 2008

Raly's Soccer Practice and Game

Friday night was Raly's first practice. Here she is kicking into the goal. It was pretty chilly and she let us know that she didn't like having cold hands.
Saturday was the first game for her team: The Orange Crush.
I think her favorite part was sitting on the sidelines talking to her new friend Megan.
While Raly was playing in her game, Rhett and I took turns playing with Reese. He likes "dayin docco."
This was the closest that Raly got to the ball. She didn't want to get knocked down, of course!

We told her that she could play on the playground if she played in the game. At one point during the game, she asked the coach if she could sit out because she was tired! Oh boy.

Well, I guess the running did wear her out. This is how she fell asleep during "quiet time."

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