Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Last Weekend in September

Raly took all the food ads and decided to open a restaurant. She named it POP. ??? She spent nearly 2 hours creating the menu.
This is part of the menu before she added the prices.
Later, Raly and Reese decided to paint. Mostly, Reese enjoyed playing in the water. At one point, he was eating raisins while painting and he decided that his raisins tasted quite delicious after soaking in the brown paint water. YUCK!
Our kitchen faucet wasn't working so well, so plumber Rhett spent much of the morning taking it out. He thought he might be able to fix it, but it was just too rusty.
After several (4) trips to either Ace or Home Depot, we ended up with this beautiful faucet. Great job, Rhett!

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